Mahele records

Our database includes awarded and unawarded claims.

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Displaying 76 thru 100 of 100 Records

district: Puna
ahupuaa: Haiku
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
misc: Kula wauke in Kaumiumi 
district: Koolau
ahupuaa: Anahola
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
modified: 5/30/2011 
district: Kona
ahupuaa: Honolulu
awarded: Yes
RP: 2
misc: ravine between 2 pieces of land 
district: Lanai
ahupuaa: Kaonolu
awarded: No
misc: "abandoned his land for two years," included in claim 9000 
district: Hamakua
ahupuaa: Kaauhuhu
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
misc: Awarded 1 apana, 1 house 
district: Koolaupoko
ahupuaa: Heeia
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
district: Koolaupoko
ahupuaa: Kaneohe
awarded: No
district: Koolaupoko
ahupuaa: Heeia
awarded: No
district: Kona
ahupuaa: Waikiki
awarded: No
district: Halelea
ahupuaa: Wainiha
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
modified: 11/3/2015 
district: Kona
ahupuaa: Honolulu
awarded: No
misc: rejected from land 
district: Hamakua
ahupuaa: Kapoaula
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
misc: Awarded 1 apana,1 house,13 mala vegetable food 
district: Kona, East
ahupuaa: Halawa
awarded: Yes
RP: 0
modified: 9/9/2011 
district: Koolauloa
ahupuaa: Makaua
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
district: Puna
ahupuaa: Waipouli
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
misc: konohiki's fishpond 
district: Kona, North
ahupuaa: Honokohau 1
awarded: No
district: Waialua
ahupuaa: Paalaa
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
modified: 1/24/2009 
district: Ewa
ahupuaa: Waipio
awarded: No
misc: No number listed; See 8241 for Native Register document, 1 house, 3 children, 2 okipus 
district: Ewa
ahupuaa: Waipio
awarded: No
district: Kohala, North
ahupuaa: Honomakau
awarded: Yes
misc: 2 houses 
district: Kona
ahupuaa: Keopuka
awarded: Yes
district: Kona
ahupuaa: Moakea
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
misc: jumps around 
awarded: No
misc: So unconnected it cannot be translated, no location, except for ama`uam`u zone 
district: Kona, North
ahupuaa: Kahului 1
awarded: Yes
RP: 1
misc: Awarded 1 apana, kihapai in ma`u, kaluulu & kula zones, cattle corral 
district: Wailuku
ahupuaa: Waikapu
awarded: No

Displaying 76 thru 100 of 100 Records

About the Mahele database

There are more than 14,500 records for all islands

The Waihona `Aina Mahele database includes awarded and unawarded claims. There are more than 14,500 records for all islands except Kaho`olawe. Some 40,000 documents are included in these records, which contain claimant names, those of family members, neighbors, place descriptions, land usage accounts, house sites, boundaries, trees, cultivated plants, birds, fishponds, salt ponds, roads, canoe sheds, dams, burials and geological features, such as cliffs and rivers.

In the Mahele Database the claims are organized numerically: all documents pertaining to a specific number are included, so that Native Register, Foreign Register, Native Testimony and Foreign Testimony documents are together. Thus, the researcher avoids some problems found in original texts, where there are non-indexed documents and where numbers and names may differ, where data includes property on several islands or where data is incomplete. A report compiles a composite of claims for any query. Every user will save time.

Approximately five percent of the original archive claims claims had been assigned incorrect numbers. These documents have been placed in correct records by Waihona 'Aina.

When awardees died prior to an award affidavit, testimonies may list heirs; records note if land reverted to a konohiki. Other early maps, probate records and Tax Map Keys (note) can be consulted for more ownership information.

Please note that approximately five percent of the original Land Commission Awards(LCA's) on the Tax Maps are also incorrect, make sure to cross-check your information.

Claimants' names and place names occur with variant spellings. The letters "u" and "n" are routinely transposed in the typed testimony, i.e. Peekauai and Peekanai. Names beginning with Ma- /Na-, or Ka- /Ke-, are shown in any or all variants, sometimes within one document, i.e., the family name "I" appears as "I", "Na I", or "Nai" in the documents of one record. These variants are listed in the alternate name field.

The original texts contain errors and variant spellings. These are corrected when found. Subsequent transcriptions and translations also contain some errors. Waihona `Aina's compiler has undoubtedly added other errors. Researchers with questions about apparent erors are encouraged to e-mail Waihona `Aina with the mail button for verification and correction where pertinent.

Our Structure

Three asterisks (***) appear where information is missing or needs to be double checked. Wai Hona `Aina compiler comments are placed between square brackets: […]. Translators’ comments occur within slash marks: /…/; or parentheses: (…). Question marks within brackets or parentheses indicate difficulty in deciphering the text. Bracketed information includes corrected numbers, words, and/or editorial comments, i.e. when a Royal Patent Number or TMK is known they are added in final editorial comment for each record. This database separates multiple island awards to one person into a separate records for each relevant island with an asterisk and the letter of the island added to the record number, i.e. 7713*H,(for Hawaii), 7713*K (for Kauai), 7713*M (for Maui), 7713*Mo for Molokai, 7713*O (for Oahu). The full documentation occurs within each one but the information in search fields pertains only to that island.

Key to Abbreviations and Modifications

// translator’s comments
( ) translator’s comments
"" ditto marks removed and text filled in
*** our marks for information not located
ap. ‘Apana’ (section of land)
rod = 5 ½ yards or 16½ feet
rood = a square measure usually ¼ acre or 40 square rods
N.E.S.W. have been replaced by North, East, South and West
V. Pres. Replaced by Vice President
Commr = replaced by Commissioner
D. Sir replaced by Dear Sir
Excy replaced by Excellency
Govr, Governr replaced by Governor
Govt, Govermt replaced by Government
Sw replaced by sworn
Tes, Test, Tes.y, Testy replaced by Testimony
Clmt, Claimnt, Clt, replaced by claimant
Clm replaced by claim
Kam I replaced by Kamehameha I
Kam II or III replaced by Kamehameha II or III
Is. replaced by Island
Secy replaced by Secretary
Unct, Unctd replaced by uncultivated
Doct, Doctr replaced by Doctor
Ap. replaced by apana
H.E. replaced by His Excellency
Mr. P. replaced by Mr. Pease
Evc replaced by evidence
Meetg replaced by meeting
Inst. Replaced by Instant [meaning current, i.e. current month]

Measurements used in surveying Found in Hawaiian Archival Land Documents

Degrees and minutes for North/South and East/West orientations
Acre equal to 160 square rods or 4,840 square feet
A Rod is 5.5 yards and also approximately 30 square yards.
Rod (squared rod) is 1/40 of a Rood. There are 40 rods in a rood and 4 roods in an acre
A Rood - A measure of land equal to 1/4 acre, or 40 square rods (0.10 hectare).
Fathom unit of length equal to 6 feet (1.83 meters)
Chain is equal to 100 feet (30.5 meters)
Perch is a synonym for rod (Hawaiian perka or peka)

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