Over the last 9 years the technology on the web has changed dramatically and the Waihona Aina Corp. has kept up with it, purchasing and implementing new programs and upgrading to keep the most current programs, latest security and web services.
The Mahele Database (completed)
The Boundary Commission Database (completed)
The Land Grant Index (Indexed and in process)
Royal Patent Documents Completed
Early Census Records - Future release
Map Database - Future release
1. The continuation of the process of the Mahele, is the Royal Patents database, which is partially completed. Each Patent record of this database is checked against the relevant Mahele database record, the microfiche or filmed copy of the Royal Patent, sometimes the Boundary Commission Database, and occasionally by consulting information in The King’s Mahele: The Awardees and Their Lands, compiled by Dorothy B. Barrère (1994). Half of the documents remain to be transcribed and uploaded.
2. The Land Grant database (6,671 records) are lands sold by the Kingdom, Territory and State and the database is on line. If you find that a record is incomplete when you want to order it, please e-mail us with the contact button and we will try to complete your document within 24 hours.
3. Other databases already designed, but not yet implemented, include the very important Maps database, cross-referenced to the other databases, and pre-1900 Voter and Census Records. All these early records, mostly hand-written, and hand-indexed, contain errors of transposition and transcription. Even approved translations include errors, for instance the use of the word “pasture” for the Hawaiian word “kula,” which is only one of the various land uses taking place. “Kula” includes land used for dry-land agriculture, home sites, home gardens, resource gathering, as well as land for animal husbandry. Tax Map Keys also contain errors in identifying Land Commission Awards. All of these errors increase the risk that the original document is mis-interpreted. More information contact Kepa Maly at <kumupono.com> Kepa Maly, a fluent speaker of Hawaiian, is profoundly concerned about providing the most accurate information possible for all these documents to minimize mis-interpretation of information.
We are aware that the Waihona ‘Aina Mahele database also has contributed some errors of its own. The process of databasing, along with elaborate cross-referencing practices, and the addition of more databases, are all tasks which verify the data and these procedures we perform constantly. More correct information allows us to compensate for previous errors. The revisiting of entered documents to cross-reference new work, brings our attention to our own errors. These are corrected while notes are provided to show errors already existing in documents. We are grateful to those persons using the databases who call our attention to errors by sending us an e-mail.
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