Royal Patents

10/13/2009 12:40:59 AM - last modified
Royal Patent Number(RP)8482 LCA Number:08515*H
Patentee: Keoni Ana Island:Hawaii
District:Kohala, South TMK
Ahupua'aKawaihae Hikina Ili
Statistics: 8181 characters 1338 words
No. 8482, Ana, Keoni, Kawaihae 2nd Ahupuaa, District of South Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Volume 37, unnumbered pps [RP Reel 17, 589-595.tif]

Land Patent No. 8482 Issued In Confirmation of Land Commission Award

Whereas, the Board of Commissioners to quiet Land Titles, did, by their decision, award by Land Commission Award No. 8515 Part 1 to Keoni Ana, an estate of Freehold less than Allodial in the land hereafter described, and which was covered by Royal Patent 1666 issued October 18, 1854 to Keoni Ana among other lands by name only

Whereas, application has been made to the Commissioner of Public Lands by Queen"s Hospital, claiming to be the present owner of said land for a Patent covering same, and

Whereas, Certificate of Boundaries No. 187, defining the boundaries of the land herein described is recorded on pages 148-151 of Book C-4 of Boundary Commission record for Hawaii, on file in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, and

Whereas, the Government commutation was released by Resolution of the Privy Council dated August 29, 1850, Volume 3, page 425 of Privy Council records, also page 68 of Volume 2 of Foreign Register and page 573 of Volume 3 of Native Register

Now, Therefore, the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, in conformity with the Laws of the United States of America and of the Territory of Hawaii, by this Patent makes known to all men that he has this day granted and confirmed absolutely, in Fee Simple, unto Keoni Ana, all of the land situate at Kawaihae Hikina, known as Kawaihae 2nd, in the Dis ....

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.... Commission Award, L. Lincoln;
19. South 59° 06' 00" West 1260.0 feet along Land Commission Award, L. Lincoln;
20. South 71° 30' 00" West 809.0 feet along Land Commission Award, L. Lincoln to a [triangle with + in it] cut in the top of a large boulder by ditch and at angle of stone walls, this point marking the South angle of Land Commission Award 8513, L. Lincoln, the coordinates being 888.0 feet South and 6532.0 feet West, referred to the Puu Loa Survey Station; [following page]
21. South 60° 40' 30" West 4186.0 feet along land of Kawaihae 1st, to a large pyramid of stones on brow of hill called "Makalii," the coordinates being 2938.0 feet South and 10181.0 feet West referred to the Puu Loa Survey Station;
22. South 33° 47' 00" West 1810.0 feet along Kawaihae 1st down slope of Makalii hill to bend in Palihae also called Paulama ravine the same being the South fork forming Makahuna gulch;
23. South 51° 26' 00" West 16214.0 feet along Kawaihae 1st, the boundary following the middle of the said South fork to point of junction of the North and South forks of the Makahuna gulch and down middle of said gulch to large boulder in bed of same under bridge, the coordinates being 14551.0 feet South and 23865.0 feet West referred to the Puu Loa Survey Station and 1044.5 feet North, 1343.9 feet East referred to the Survey Reference Station South Base;
24. South 50° 01' 00" West 917.0 feet along Kawaihae 1st as before to junction of same with the gully from the South;
25. South 69° 19' 00" West 739.0 feet