Royal Patents

10/27/2008 6:00:37 PM - last modified
Royal Patent Number(RP)7813 LCA Number:07714B*K
Patentee: Kekuaiwa, Mose Island:Kauai
District:Kona TMK
Ahupua'aWahiawa Ili
Statistics: 8024 characters 1380 words
Helu 7813, Kekuaiwa, Mose, Wahiawa Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Kauai, Volume 29, pps. 151-157 [rp Reel 15, 00566-00572.tif]

No. 7813
Royal Patent Upon Upon Confirmation of the Land Commission

Whereas, the Board of Commissioners to quiet Land Titles have by their decision awarded unto Moke (Mose) Kekuaiwa, Kuleana Helu 7714B, Apana 6, an Estate of Freehold less than Allodial, in and to the Land hereafter described; and whereas proper Mose Kekuaiwa Application having been made to the Minister of the Interior for a Royal Patent on the within described land, and the Government Commutation thereon relinquished by Order of the Privy Council during the reign of Kamehameha,

Therefore, Kalakaua, by the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, by this Royal Patent, makes known to all men, that he has, for himself and for his successors in office, this day granted and given absolutely in Fee Simple, unto Mose Kekuaiwa all that certain piece of land situate at Kona Kauai known as the Ahupuaa of Wahiawa in the Island of Kauai, and described as follows:

"From J.W. Gay"s survey"

Survey ofWahiawa, Kona, Kauai.
The western boundary of this land commences at a point on the sea shore, on the South West Point of Wahiawa harbor at a place known as Keanakua, at which place an arch in the cliff has the sea running through it. The following objects bear from 95 links from top of Pali on this boundary: Ahualiku Peak North 4° 43" East; Puukapele North 32° 25" West; Puulani Peak, North ....

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.... ch and runs thence
North 0° 12" East (needle 1° 0" West) 1193 links to a place called Owahani, Thence
North 10° 5" East 1799 links to place called Keahua. Thence
North 7° 50" East 4460 links to Puulolelole a square of stones with three let into the center (thus [diagram of a block T with 3 dots forming triangle within top of T]).Thence
North 2° 42" East 2567 links to place called Kalua Kanaka from whence bears Ahualiku peak North 39° 29" West, Pohakea Peak North 8° 42" West. Thence from Kaluakanaka
North 18° 10" East 2933 links to place called Kukawaikoa. Thence
North 28° 58" East 1663 links to place called Makakawale. Thence
North 18° 15" East 2830 links to place called Kahalekii. Thence
North 17° 26" East 4690 links alongcrossing several gullies and through dam of boiling down Establishment and close past the west side of bridge on government road to place called Kawaihaka, a large stone from whence bears Pohakea [Page 156], North 39° 56" West Judge McBryde"s flag staff; North 13° 5" West a tree in bush at head of this survey called Kapiliwahine bears North 5° 20" East from Kawaihaka;
North 10° 57" East 5281 links crossing a gully and passing 60 links to the westward of the Northwest corner of old Stockyard to a stone with a split in it called Waipapaina. Thence
North 4° 40" East 3317 links crossing a gully several times to a large rock about 10 feet high with a split in the top (thus [diagram of two-peaked figure] ) and called Kapuna, Thence