Royal Patents

10/12/2009 11:58:56 PM - last modified
Royal Patent Number(RP)7144 LCA Number:08520*L
Patentee: Kaeo, Iosua Island:Lanai
Ahupua'aKealiakapu Ili
Statistics: 8059 characters 1364 words
No. 7144, Kaeo, Iosua, Kealiakapu Ahupuaa, Island of Lanai, Volume 25, pps. 129-130 [RP Reel 13, 0952-0953.tif]

No. 7144

Upon Confirmation by the Land Commission

Whereas, the Board of Commissioners to quiet Land Titles have by their decision awarded unto Iosua Kaeo, Land Commission Award 8520 an estate of Freehold less than Allodial, in and to the land hereafter described, and whereas Walter M. Gibson, the present occupier of the Ahupuaa of Kealiakapu has applied to the the Minister of Interior for a Royal Patent for said Ahupuaa, and has filed a certified copy of the boundaries of the same from the commission of Boundaries for the island of Lanai, and whereas the Government commutation thereon amounting to - Fifty dollars  - $50, has been paid into the Royal Exchequer.

Therefore, Lunalilo Kalakaua, by the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, by this Royal Patent, makes known to all men, that he has, for himself and for his successors in office, this day granted and given absolutely, in Fee Simple, unto Iosua Kaeo all that certain piece of land situate at known as the Ahupuaa of Kealiakapu in the Island of Lanai, and described as follows:
[Column 1]
Commencing at the South corner of this land, at a pile of stones over a cross + cut in a large stone to the West of a small bay at the mouth of a deep rocky gulch (which gulch is the boundary between Kealiakapua and Kealia Aupuni) at a place Oanapuka.

1.    The boundary runs up the bottom of ....

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.... pits [one point down and other point up]
[column 2]
25.    South 32° 55' West true 3125 feet along Kaunolu to a rock marked with a cross +;
26.    South 18° 11' West true 1637 feet along Kaunolu to a rock marked thus [right arrow] in a clump of rocks;
27.    South 25° 00' West true 2280 feet along Kaunolu to a rock marked with a cross X at the commencement of a small gulch;
28.    Thence down the bottom of said gulch and large gulch (that reaches the sea near the Heiau) to a point marked by a cross X on a stone on the Southeast bank of the gulch at a bend in it which point bears from last mentioned point South 27° 23' West true 3663 feet.
29.    Thence, down the bottom of the gulch passing to the Northwest of a well in the gulch (which well belongs Kelaiakapu) to a large rock marked with the cross + and from thence to the sea at a point on the shore at the middle of the harbor; which point bears from the rock on the bank of the gulch at the bend South 33° 57' West true 1343 feet.
30.    Thence following the sea coast to point of commencement, the travers[e] along the shore being as follows: South 63° 20' East true 400 feet to cross + cut in large stone, North 83° 20' East true 3353 feet to cross + cut on stone North 78° 38" East true 2578 feet to point of commencement.
Area 1829 acres.

Containing and area of one thousand eight hundred & twenty nine Acres [sic – should not have been