Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07417
Claimant: Kaukaliu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Kawailoa
Ili: Lauhulu, Puuaki, Kalokoeli, Pukea mauka, Wailele, Wailele kai
Statistics: 2485 characters 419 words
No. 7417, Kaukaliu, Lauhulu, Waialua, Oahu, January 31, 1848
N.R. 332-333v5

To the Land Commissioners, Respectful greetings: I hereby state my claim for land and house lot.

The land claim at Puuakai is one lo`i and its kula, bounded on the north by Kahalau's land, on the east by Nonokaeho's land, on the south by Nonokaeho also, on the west by a kula.

In another place is one lo`ii with a watercourse, bounded on the north by Wehelau, on the ....

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.... ko, watercourse of Niuula.

Apana 2. House site, surrounded by a wall, at Lauhulu at the seashore.

Apana 3. Some areas in sweet potatoes within the cultivated lot.
These lands were from Kealainanea in the time of Kinau and are undis-puted.

Witness Kapule sworn: I know that Kuokoa's testimony is right, my knowledge of it is the same.

[Award 7417; R.P. 2896; Kawailoa Waialua; 1 ap.; 2.57 Acs; Puuoka Kawailoa Waialua; 1 ap.; .513 Ac.]