Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06510L
Claimant: Ku
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Hamakualoa
Ahupuaa: Pauwela, Haiku
Ili: Aiawakea, Waiaama, Kakaiahia, Pue
Statistics: 2951 characters 470 words
[No. 6510L], Ku
N.R. 454v5

[no number given; follows 7768]

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claims for land. I have two taro lo`i at Haiku of Kahaleahu. I have nine patches for cultivating sweet potatoes and two kihapai of sweet potatoes in another place, however, in Haiku of Kaonohimaka. The witnesses for the taro lo`i are Kaniho and Ku. The witness for the patches of sweet potato land is Kaonohimaka.

F.T. 133-134v8
No. 6510L, Ku

Haleole, sworn, that he wrote the claimant's claim and have [has] sent ....

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.... aia.

Section 2:
Mauka by Kamakaeu
Koolau, Makai, Wailuku by Haiku pali

Section 3:
Mauka, Koolau by Haiku pali
Makai by Kamakaeu
Wailuku by Haiku pali.

Section 4:
Mauka by Pahia
Koolau by Haleole
Makai by Kalama
Wailuku by Haiku pali.

Section 5:
Mauka by Nawahie
Koolau by Kopa's poalima
Makai, Wailuku by Haiku pali.

[Award 6510L; R.P. 2181; Kakaiakiha Pauwela Hamakualoa; 1 ap. .08 Ac.; Pue Pauwela Hamakualoa; 1 ap. .11 Ac.; Waiaama Pauwela Hamakualoa; 2 ap. 2.27 Acs]