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No. 267, Keawenuiaumi, claimant
F.R. 170v1
1 document in Native Register, Page 33, volume 2
N.R. 33-35v2
No. 267, Keawenuiaumi, Wahine
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Keawenuiaumi, tell you of my kuleana in Honolulu. You have received the paper of Ualani for this kuleana and therefore I deny to you that he has any right to the lot, but he has a right to a house in my lot. Kaiole was his host and I am Kaiole's reason for living there - the two of them lived there under me. The boundaries of my lot are:
On the north, the road going to the two churches. On the northeast to the southeast is the lot of the keikis of Puhiula. The well inside is in my lot, fenced outside of there. The boundary on the south is the lot of Honolulu Government House. On the west is the lot where Panekai lives. The dimensions will be shown on the diagram by the surveyor. My thought is that those can live under me, and when their house falls, then their residence there will end, they may not rebuild.
Some of the places of my lot on the east should be returned to me, and on the wst a portion will be given there. This is all I have to tell you. Here are the wltnesses: Kaheekapu, Hannah Holmes, Mahi, Kupalii.
Farewell, I am, your servant.
I was on Molokal when the "Elele" called me /carried the notice/.
Honolulu, November 24, 1846
F.T. 44-45v2
Claim No. 267, Keawenuiaumi, Ocftober 20th [1847]
Opii, sworn stated, The land is in Honolulu. The claimant has occupied it ever since the Fort was built. Kaiole has lived on the place as claimant's representative ever since 1825. He owns all the houses. It is enclosed with a fence which Kaiole built.
On the east is Kuihula place
North, Chapel Street
West, Kanika's yard
South, Janion's place.
Witness believes it belongs to claimant and knows of no counter claim. Kaiole has a right there, but not to the land.
Kanotate, sworn said, the place is in Honolulu. Claimant has had possession ever since the building of the Fortt. She then came here with her husband and the child, Kahinakava holds possession. The old houses are fallen down, and new ones built (Note this witnes ....
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.... has presented before you.
See the opposition of Ualani, page 280 [No. 234 Ualani], and Kaiole's opposition, page 348
N.T. 348-350v2
No. 267, Keawenuiaumi, October 22 [1847], From page 340
Kahinukawa, sworn by the Word of God and stated. here in the heiau, Keawenui-aumi had arrived and lived at Pakaha. Later she lived at the northern corner of the fort. Then Kahalaia came and took possession of the entire place. Keawenuiaumi sought and found another place to live, the one which is in question. Puhiula had his lot enclosed in a circular size. This property had been idle with weeds only. There was a road so Keawenuiaumi built a house and a fence. She lived independently and not under Puhiula.
Kaiole and Kanemaikou had no place to live at this time so Keawenuiaumi invited them to live together with them there. When Kahalaia had passed on, Keawenuiaumi returned to the land and placed Kaiole on the lot with her four patches, thus Kaiole had become an assistant to Keawenuiaumi but in the year 1831 the patches were given away. I had lived alternately here and on Molokai at intervals because Kaiole took care of the place for Keawenuiaumi from Liho-liho's time to the present time. Kaiole had filed a claim to the governor for fear their property may be acquired by Puhiula. This is my knowledge.
Namauu, sworn by the Word of God and stated, I have seen this property, it is for Keawenuiaumi. I had seen her living there in the year 1820. She had built a wooden fence and a house. When I had returned from Kauai, I had seen Kaiole living together in one house, then Keawenuiaumi went away and I have known Kaiole since that time to the present time. That is my testimony.
Kekela, sworn by the Word of God and stated, That place is for Keawenuiaumi from (the time of) the heiau to the present time. I see changes at the present time. The fence of that time has been torn down. They had houses at that time. Keawenuiaumi had asked Kaiole to live with them at the time the chiefs had arrived here; however, I did not hear Kaiole say that living would be under Keawenuiaumi. I have known that Keawenuiaumi had lived away for many years, but her daughter had lived close to this property.
[No. 267 not awarded]