Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00240W
Claimant: Kaleo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kaamola 6
Ili: Kaomola
Statistics: 2261 characters 405 words
No. 240W, Kaleo
F.T. 212v6

In ili Kaomola, 3 claims for old time.

1 loi kalo.
Mauka, konohiki
Manae, Pauuna
Makai, konohiki
Malalo, Kahakoa.

2. Pahale. In the pig pasture.

3. kula.
Mauka, konohiki
Manade, Paahonua
Makai, konohiki
Malalo, Kahakoa.

Witness: Kekahuna & Kukahoa

F.T. 266-267v15
No. 240S Kekahuna, 240T ....

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.... who came to me to fix his compass because the needle was broken." I said to him, "I am unable to do it but I can take it to W.P. Alexander to work on, and because this was unsatisfactory, I said to him, "Why?" He replied, "I am surveying the land of D. Malo and separating his people into individual lots, and also D. Malo's land". This was perhaps 1852.

[Award 240W; R.P. 6025; Kaamola 6 Kona; 3 ap.; 11.89 Acs]