Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 05894
Claimant: Pelupelu, wahine
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Puako
Statistics: 2074 characters 345 words
No. 5894, Pelupelu, Lahaina, 28 January 1848
N.R. 334-335v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, M. Pelupelu, your affectionate servant, humbly state my claim for one lo`i and a dry lo`i, which is the second of my claims, on Maui, at this time.

They were given me in 1840 by Hoapili wahine. They are at Puako, adjoining Pahala on the south of Waianae. This is Alapai lo`i, that ....

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.... />Keaweluaole, sworn, He had seen a patch section in the ahupuaa of Puako with 1 dry patch. Mrs. Hoapili had given Pelupelu this land in 1838, but in 1848, Kekauonohi opposed to this without just cause. The boundaries are:

Mauka by Kekauonohi's land
Olowalu by Alapai's land
Makai by Kekauonohi's land
Kaanapali by Poopuu's land.

[No. 5894 not awarded]