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No. 5309, Kaenalii, Hanapepe, Kauai, January 18, 1848
N.R. 140v9
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: Here is my statement to you of my land claim at Kaawanui, an `ili of Hanapepe. There are a total of 17 lo`i, 2 flourishing ones and some scattered ones. My land is bound on the north by Nuanua, by Makaino on the east, by Maimi on the south, by Kahawainui on the west. My land was from Nuanua ....
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.... />Wahiawa by hog sty
Makai by in the center of Kalua(?) a stream
Waimea by Hanapepe stream.
Land from Maluaikoo in 1848, after Kaenalii had rejected the land, no objection
since that time.
Kekeko, sworn, verifies Nuanua's statement.
[Award 5309; R.P. 5270; Kaawainui Hanapepe Kona; 1 ap.; 1.25 Acs 20 rods; TMK 4-1-8-03 2.58 Ac.; ; R.P. to Kanakamaikai]