Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 05013
Claimant: Kukeokeo, S.
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kawaikapu
Ili: Popoloa
Statistics: 2460 characters 391 words
No. 5013, S. Kukeokeo
N.R. 144v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kawaikapu on the Island of Molokai.

I hereby state that I received this claim in 1844 and have occupied it for four years, under the konohiki Keapuhiwa.

The name of my mo`o is Mookahi. A mountain is on the north side, Kepoo is on the east, a mo`o and a sea fishery are on the south, and Haleoo is on the west, a mo`o. My mo`o has no lo'is ....

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.... hiki
Halawa, Konohiki
Makai, the same
Kaluaaha, stream.

His parcels of land were received from me in 1845 and have been occupied in quiet and without dispute until this time. I am the Deputy Konohiki of this land.

N.T. 143v6
No. 5013, Kukeokeo

Simona, sworn, two separated lele sections are in Papalea in Kawaikapu, these from Keopuhi in 1842, no objections.

[Award 5013; no R.P.; Popoloa Kawaikapu; 2 ap.; .96 Ac.]