Mahele Documents

04913 Heir of Ehuelua and Wailau/Nawelau
Claim Number: 04913
Claimant: Kanuha
Other claimant:Heir of Ehuelua and Wailau/Nawelau
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Anahola
Ili: Olokuiha, Kamokuapi
Statistics: 3021 characters 470 words
No. 4913, Kanuha, Anahola, Kauai, January 13, 1848
N.R. 123v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claims at Anahola consisting of two lo`i and a kula and the house lot.

F.T. 190-191v12
No. 4913 Kanuha, Claimant
No. 4538 Kuelua
No. 4556 Wailau

Kanuha came forward & made oath that he has returned his claim (No. 4913) to the Konohiki, & that he holds the claims of Nawelau (No. 4538) & Ehuelua (No. 4556), his elder brother & (father's) wife have both died since 1848. Claimant says he owns as t ....

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.... 3 - Pasture in Kapupu.
Mauka by Kaihuna's noni grove
Moloaa by Konohiki pasture
Makai by Akeakea's noni grove
Kealia by Konohiki pasture.

Land from the Konohiki to Naahuelua and Welau, it was bequested to Kanuha before 1837.
Naepuelua died in 1849. Nawalani died in 1850. This land therefore was won by Kanuha as the rightful heir.

Kamakea, sworn, he has seen Kanuha's land and verifies Kaunahi's testimony, they have known in the same way.

[Award 4913; R.P. 6325; Kamokuapi 1 ap. 1 .75 Acs 20 rods; 4538 and 4556 not awarded]