Mahele Documents

9/30/2016 2:28:41 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 04577
Claimant: Isaia
Other claimant:
Other name: Haia
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Mahaulepu
Ili: Kaukii, Kawailoa, Aokioea, Mahaulepu vill.
Statistics: 3728 characters 519 words
No. 4577, Isaia, Mahaulepu, Kauai, January 12, 1848
N.R. 104v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I, a Hawaiian subject, named Isaia, hereby state my claim for land. There are 13 lo`i. Mauka of Mahaulepu, at a place named Aokioea are four lo`i. The name of the nine lo`i is Kaukii. My land was from my Makuakane, on his death. I also have a kula, named Kulakamao, with four sweet potato lots. This kula land was from my Makua also. There are also four mala of noni; the name of the land is Keonehele. There are also four salt lands. There is also a house lot at Kamala, with two houses in it. This is ended.
I am, respectfully,

F.T. 53-54v13
No. 4577, Isaia, Claimant

Kahee, sworn, I ....

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.... e by Mahaulepu pasture.

Section 5 - 2 salt strips at Kawailoa.
Mauka by Kawailoa pasture
Puna by Opunui's salt strip
Makai by Kawailoa pasture
Hanapepe by Naahuoe's salt land.

Section 6 - Two salt deposits at Kawailoa.
Mauka by Keahikuni's salt land
Puna by Keahikuni's salt land
Makai by Kawailoa pasture
Hanapepe by Kihi salt land.

Land from Hukiku to his (Haia) father and upon the father's death, his son received all of this land without disputes.

Aarona, sworn, he has heard Kahee's testimony on Haia's land, it is true.

[Award 4577; Land Patent 8372; Kaukii Mahaulepu Kona; 3 ap.; 1 Ac 2 roods 31 rods; Kawailoa Mahaulepu Kona; 1 ap.; 8 rods]