Mahele Documents

03679 Kalaaukumuole
Claim Number: 03679
Claimant: Makapo
Other claimant:Kalaaukumuole
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Mapulehu
Statistics: 2386 characters 377 words
No. 3679, S. Makapo ma /and others/
N.R. 35v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: We have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Mapulehu on the Island of Molokai. The name of this pond is Maii, this was a very much overgrown fallow area; one side is open and one side is being dug.

It was given by the konohiki of the Mo`i Kamehameha III, A. Kanae, and I have begun to work on it. Its circumference 112 fathoms. It is as follows:


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.... ained, Kanae does not desire to oppose.

N.T. 59v16
No. 3679, Makapo, 9 November 1853

Luha, sworn, I have seen his land section in Mapulehu.
Mauka by konohiki
Halawa by konohiki's land
Makai by konohiki
Kamalo by konohiki.

Land from Luha before 1847. No problems.

I. Kanae, sworn, Makapo's claim is correct.

[Award 3679; R.P. 6045; Mapulehu Kona; 2 ap.; 1.41 Acs]