Mahele Documents

8/11/2009 1:33:23 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00148B
Claimant: Kapalu
Other claimant:
Other name: Palu
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kumueli
Ili: Kawailoa
Statistics: 5375 characters 803 words
No. 148B, Kapalu
N.R. 100v7

Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I have a mo'o, Kawailoa, in the Ahupua'a of Kumueli. Kahekili gave it to Makahalupa, on his death it was inherited by his wahine. The time when it became mine was the year 1838. Its length is 108, and its width is 13.

It is bounded on the downwind side by Kanewainui's land, to the eastward, or upwind, by Palama's land, makai by a lo'i po'alima and mauka by a raised earth ridge. There is a kula claim which is 156 by 18, and there is more. The witness who knows is G. Helekahi.

F.T. 34v6
148B, Kapalu

Kapalu's claim lies in ili Kawailoa, consisting of kalo & kula.

Part 1st, kalo.
Mauka, konohiki
Manae, konohiki
Makai, konohiki
Malalo, Kanewainui.

Part 2nd, kula.
Mauka, konohiki
Manae, Kahema
Makai, konohiki
Malalo, Pukila.

Kekauonohi had this as an ili Kuokoa & her konohiki, Kalaikoi gave this claim to claimant A ....

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.... maula, land of Kanewanui.

Apana 2: Taro
Mauka, Konohiki
Kaluaaha, pali
Makai, Konohiki
Kalamaula, the same.

Apana 3: Kula
Mauka, Konohiki
Kaluaaha, Kaimuino
Makai, road
Kalamaula, Pukila.

Apana 4: Kula
Mauka, Konohiki
Kaluaaha, Kahema
Makai, road
Kalamaula, Pukila.

He received these apanas of land from Aa when Hoapili was alive, before 1839, and has had quiet and undisputed possession ever since.

Kahuaia, sworn: His claim is valid - no objections.

N.T. 138v6 [also page 59]
[No number, Palu

Mahoe, sworn, taro in the land of Kawailoa in Kumueli.

Section 1:
Mauka by Manae
Makai by Konohiki
Malalo by Kanewainui.

Section 2 - Pasture.
Mauka by Konohiki
Manae by Haheama
Makai by Konohiki
Malalo by Pakila.

Palu had lived there before the time of the statutes. No objections.

[Award 148B; R.P. 3806; Kawailoa Kumueli; 4 ap.; 1.47 Acs]