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No. 3368, Naakaakai, Wailua, January 14, 1848
N.R. 43v9
I, Naakaakai, a Hawaiian subject living at Wailua, island of Kauai, hereby state to you, the Land Commissioners, the size of my house claim: it is 12 fathoms long by 11 fathoms wide. This place is at Waimea. The time I received it was when Kaikioewa gave it to Kaniuhi and Kaniuhi gave it to me, that was the year 1827. This place was formerly a Heiau for worshiping idols, Kauhakuole, and afterwards a church was built on this site, and when it was broken down, ....
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.... />Makai by P[unana] ili
Kona by Akapueo's house lot.
Section 3 - Opalaakawai's house lot
Mauka by Opalaakawai's pasture
Koolau by Opalaakawai's pasture
Makai by cool water spring
Kona by road.
Section 1 was from Kaniuhi, sections 2 and 3 from Deborah in 1848, no objections.
Kaiapa, sworn, he has heard Kaniui's testimony, it is true.
[Award 3368; R.P. 4828; Maulili Wailua Puna; 1 ap.; 2 roods 22 rods; Palakawai Wailua Puna; 1 ap.; 2 roods 4 rods]