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No. 3284,Wahineaea, Hanapepe, January 11, 1848
N.R. 26-27v9
The Land Commissioners, greetings. I, Wahineaea, a Hawaiian subject living at Hanapepe, island of Kauai hereby state my claim, which however is not situated in one place. My first claim is at Kuiloa, for three lo`i and a kula adjoining it. It is situated as follows:
That is the diagram and it's situation. Here is this claim of mine, at Kapalawai. Here is the diagram:
On that side is another claim of mine, because they are not situated in one place. This lo`i claim is at Eleele. It is one lo`i and a small kula. Here is its diagram:
Here is my claim for a lo`i which I received from the tax official, I pay him annually. I have had it for three years and pay two dollars per year. Here is its diagram and its nature:
Those are my claims which are occupied. my houses are at Eleele, ....
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.... 39;s pasture
Wahiawa and Makai by Kapalawai pali
Waimea by Hanapepe River.
Section 3
Mauka by Kalae's lois
Wahiawa by Kaauaekahi ditch
Makai by Pipi moo
Waimea by Kuhumu pali.
Section 4
Mauka by Kahuanui moo
Wahiawa by Eleele pali
Makai by Namoemoe moo
Waimea by Hanapepe stream.
Section 5
Mauka by Heleikalaula pasture
Wahiawa by Nihowano pali
Makai and Waimea by Hanapepe River.
Section 1 from Manu when Keaweamahi was governor, together with sections 4 and 5, no objections. Section 2 and 3 from Kekauonohi in 1841, no objections. In section 5 is a fish pond for alii Victoria Kamamalu of Kualaau.
Waineki, sworn: Kapoi's statement is true.
[Award 3284; R.P. 7452; Eleele mauka Hanapepe Kona (TMK 1-8-05); Ap.2 .74 Ac. (TMK 1-9-01); Ap. 4 1.32 Ac. (TMK 1-9-03); TMK 1-9-07 Ap. 5; (TMK 1-9-07); Kapalawai Hanapepe Kona; Ap. 3;8 Acs 2 roods 17 rods]