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No. 3098, Kamakai, Waianae, January 14, 1848
N.R. 51v4
To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby state my claim for land at Lehanonui, Waianae, Island of Oahu. It is bounded on the north by the kula pili /pili grass kula/, on the east by the land of Keauai, on the south by the land of Napoe, on the west by the houses. My house claim is at Maili and is bounded on the north by the hala trees and the bulrushes, on the east by the kula adjacent to Puko, on the south by the kula and the land fence, on the west by the land fence.
I am, with thank ....
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.... br />Makai by Pikia stream
Waianae by Malamakahiena's sea onion pasture.
The schoolmaster has taken land for the teacher while there were tenants on the land. They are still there ar the present time and Kamakai by will take the situation to the land officers. Section 1 was from Kaapuiki at the time of Kekauluohi. Section 2 was from Kaapuiki also during the time of Poki.
Kenai, sworn, he has seen in the same way as Kaapuiki.
[Award 3098; R.P. 4911; Lehanonui Waianae; 1 ap.; 2.234 Acs; Kawela Kamaile Waianae; 2 ap.; 19 Acs; Kamaile Waianae; 1 ap.; 16.771 Acs]