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No. 3016, Malamakuahine, Waianae, January 8, 1848
N.R. 25v4
To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby state my claim for land at Lehanonui, Waianae, Island of Oahu. It is bounded on the north by a kula which goes as far as a pali, on the east by the land of Ewa, on the south by the land of Kaapuiki and Kamai, on the west by the land of Kaapuiki. My house claim is at Lehanoiki and is bounde ....
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.... ulepe's ditch.
Section 2:
Mauka by Niuliilii akaakai
Ewa by Land enclosure
Makai by Kahoalii heiau
Waianae by (?) dry Paakea pasture.
Land from Kaapuiki at the time of Kauluohi, a very ancient house site since the time of Kaahumanu.
Kamai, sworn, he has known in the same way as Kaapuiki.
[Award 3016; R.P. 4875; Pohakoi Lehanonui Waianae; 1 ap.; .373 Ac.; R.P. to Malamakuhiana]