Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00067FL
Claimant: Kamaua
Other claimant:
Other name: Kamana
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kuwili
Statistics: 1505 characters 238 words
No. 67 F.L., Kamaua, Honolulu, Oahu, 18 March 1852
N.R. 749v3

The Land Commissioners, Greetings: I have a claim for three lo`i and a house site in Kuwili, `Ili in Honolulu, Oahu. There are four parcels; Parcel 1 is a house lot, Parcel 2 is one lo`i, Parcel 3 is two lo`i.
< ....

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.... , it was the time Poki had it. It was always peaceful except Kaniku had forbidden them in filing a claim. They were to lived under the landlord.

Kaohulenui, sworn, I have known in the same way as Kamaala had related above.

[No. 67 F.L. not listed in numerical index; not awarded]