Mahele Documents

12/16/2008 11:17:04 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 02156
Claimant: Opunui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Halawa
Ili: Kaloiiki, Piomoewai
Statistics: 2893 characters 480 words
No. 2156, Opunui
N.R. 377-378v3

Land claim of Opunui in Halawa.

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby petition you for my land claim in Halawa. There are 3 and 1/3 lo`is, the 1/3 being a new one. They are not situated together. There is also a dry kula and l house lot. The two and 1/3 lo` is and the dry kula are bounded on the north and east by the dry kula of Kamalanai, and the 2/3 lo`i of Paawela and Puaa-liilii, on the south by the dry kula of Puaaliilii, on the west by the po`alima lo`i of Paawela. I can only indicate my 1 lo`i and my ho ....

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.... la's poalima
Waianae, Kenui's pasture.

Section 2:
Mauka, Honolulu, Makai, Poalima patches
Waianae, Pasture/poalima.

Section 3
Mauka, Kamalanai's poalima pasture
Waianae, Paawela's poalima pasture

Sections 1 and 2 from Paawela at the time of Kinau; Section 3 from Kamalanai at the time of Kinau, no objections to Opunui.

Pualiilii, sworn, he has known in the same way as Pulao.

[Award 2156; R.P. 766; Kaloiiki Halawa Ewa; 2 ap.; 1.74 Acs; Piomoewai Halawa Ewa; 1 ap.; .808 Ac.]