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No. 2079, Kauhola, wahine
N.R. 349v3
I, the one whose name is below, hereby state my claim for my 7 lo'i, however, 3 are for my keiki. They are at Kiki, an 'ili in Waikiki. There is also a house lot. There are some other lo'is at a place for my kane, at Mookahi, a mo'o auwai /path between irrigation ditches/, a row* at Hohe and with it a section of irrigation ditch. Some other lo'is are at Kawalaala, and 2 kula, a house lot, and one small kiopua.** Some lauhala trees of the mat variety are in a kula of mine. These are my claims which I hereby tell.
KAUHOLA X, her mark
Waikiki, 23 December 1847
/*a row of taro/
/** pool for ra ....
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.... e boundaries are not known.
Kamaukoli had given Kauhola land and this land had been from Kaahumanu received during the time of Kaahumanu. She has lived there in peace and both she and her husband, Kiha, are taking care of this land. See page 104. Vol. 10
N.T. 204v10
No. 2079, Kauhala (from page 349, volume 3), 4 March 1852
Kamaukoli, sworn, I have seen this house lot. It is in Kalia, Waikiki in one section.
Mauka and Honlulu, Kanaina's land
Makai and Waialae, konohiki's land.
Land from Kamaukoli at the time of Kaahumanu I. Peaceful living.
[Award 2079; R.P. 723; Waikiki Kona; 2 ap.; 7.25 Acs]