Mahele Documents

2/6/2011 8:46:27 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01966
Claimant: Opu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolaupoko
Ahupuaa: Kaneohe
Ili: Waiape, Waikapoki, Wailele
Statistics: 2913 characters 425 words
No. 1966, Opu
N.R. 309v3

Greetings and Peace to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state the boundaries of my land at Kaneohe in the 'ili of Owaikapoki, consisting of four lo'i. On the east is a pond, on the north is the land of Kahuaia, on the west is the land of Hoomaulu, on the south is the land of Malia. One lo'i is at Waiape, one is at Wailele, a house with two planted trees.
December 18, 1847

F.T. 99v11
No. 1966, Opu

Kumuhonua Hoohikiia, Ua ike au i kona aina ma Kaneohe, Koolaupoko

Apana 1. 4 loika ....

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.... y upland of Lipuna
Makai by upland of Lipuna
Kailua by Wailele.

The kalo land in Waikapoke was given to claimant by Wahineino in the time of Liliha. The kalo land in Waiape was given by Peha in the year 1840. The kalo land and house lot in Wailele was given by Kauikea in 1845. Claimant has had them in peace to the present time.

Kuaikolia, testifies to the truth of the above statements.

[Award 1966; R.P. 4902; Waiape Kaneohe Koolaupoko; 1 ap.; .19 Ac.; Waikapoki Kaneohe Koolaupoko; 1 ap.; .29 Ac.; Wailele Kaneohe Koolaupoko; 3 ap.; 1.57 Acs]