Mahele Documents

4/17/2008 10:49:16 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 01650
Claimant: Kapali
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Palolo
Ili: Kaululoa
Statistics: 1337 characters 227 words
No. 1650, Kapali
N.R. 194v3

`Ili of Kaululoa, Palolo, Island of Oahu. One mo`o, forty-seven lo`i. Twenty-nine lo`i on the east. Eighteen lo`i on the west. On the east the boundaries are: on the east, the lo`i of Lioe, on the south, the lo`i of ....

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.... been given by Pika in the year 1829 and he has continued living there to the present time without any objections.

Keaka, sworn, Our testimonies are similar. No one has objected.

[Award 1650; R.P. 6281; Kaululoa Palolo Kona; 1 ap.; .88 Ac.]