Mahele Documents

01100 Moo, Keliihohola
Claim Number: 01100
Claimant: Puaa
Other claimant:Moo, Keliihohola
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hilo
Ahupuaa: Ponahawai
Statistics: 1822 characters 316 words
No. 1100, Puaa, Ponahawaii, November 19, 1847
N.R. 628v2

Greetings to you, John Young, Premier of the Hawaiian Kingdom: I, hereby explain the dimensions of our lot, in which we are combined. Our names are: Moo, Keliihohola, and Puaa. The dimensions are on one side, 41 fathoms, on one side, 36 fathoms, on one side, 20 fathoms, and on one si ....

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.... hem /Puaa/.

This is an organized group comprising of Puaa, Moo and Keliikoliola. Their land from I, in 1843; no one has objected to this day.

I, sworn, He has given this place permanently to Puaa. That is what Lahaina has known and it is he who gave Puaa his /Puaa/ interest.

[Award 1100; R.P. 1154; Ponahawai Hilo; 1 ap.; .97 Ac.]