Mahele Documents

3/15/2011 2:45:53 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00981
Claimant: Hololua
Other claimant:
Other name: Holelua
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Hauhaukoi, Kamakela
Statistics: 4314 characters 548 words
No. 981, Hololua, Honolulu, November 15, 1847
N.R. 577v2

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my land claim at Kamakela in Honolulu. I have three taro patches, two together in one place and these patches also adjoining the makai side of the patch of Kaukoa. one patch adjoins the mauka side of the patch of Kaukoa. I have held them peacefully under the konohiki. I have four patches at Hauhaukoi, adjoining the makai side of the patch of Kekaalaiki. Three other patches at Hauhaukoi adjoin the makai side of the patch of Kalokea. I have held these peacefully under the konohiki.

F.T. 301-302v2
Cl. 981, Hololua, 8 May [1848]

Umi, sworn, This place is in Honolulu aina, consisting of 4 distinct pieces of kalo land in Hauhaukoi & 2 Kamakeloa [Kamakela].

1.First, bounded

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.... Kaniku during Kuakini's time. No one has objected.

5. And the boundaries of the fifth section which is at Kamakela with two patches are:
Kaukou's land, mountainside
Luiki's land, Waikiki
Lilipi's land, toward the sea and
Kalua's land, Ewa.
There is no house.

6. This is a single patch and the boundaries are:
Kalaeokekoi's land, mountainside
Luiki's land, Waikiki
Kaukoa's land, Oceanside and
Kalua's land, Ewa.
There is no house on this place nor is there a fence. Kuheleloa had given this land to Hololua without any cost in the year 1836 and no has objected."

Keonekapu, sworn and stated, "I have seen this property exactly as Umi has just stated here. No one has objected.

[Award 981; R.P 7167; Hauhaukoi, Kamakela Honolulu Kona; 4 ap.; 3.77 Acs]