Mahele Documents

11/29/2010 5:22:45 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00868
Claimant: Kaikainalii
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Moanalua
Ili: Kalou, Kapakahi, Maili, Mapunapuna, Muliwai, Pohaha
Statistics: 12685 characters 2076 words
No. 868, Kaikainalii
N.R. 489-490v2

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands whom the Mo`i and his Nobles have consented to, Greetings: I, Kaikainalii, hereby truthfully tell you my claim, as directed in the Elele.

Here is the basis of my claim for the Ahupua`a of Moanalua on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands.

The interest was acquired as follows: At the battle of Nuuanu some ali`is were put to flight, and Kamehameha I united the islands from Oahu to Hawaii. Kamehameha gave land to his war companions, therefore this land became a dependency for Kameeiamoku, who was the father of Hoapili kane. Kameeiamoku's kaikaina was my makuakane and my makuas and I have occupied this place from the battle of Nuuanu until now. At this time I am under Lot, and M. Kekuanaoa, our administrator, for me to possess my own property, as directed by the law, which says that no one shall be blocked or hindered from what he has done with his own hands, and all the improvements he made.

Therefore, all the places which my makuas made, with their own hands and the labor of their own people, are those for which I petition you; not for the rights of my Landlord, which are separate. They have taken them in this year 1847 and are separate, and my place of which I have told you is taken too. I have some witnesses who know this is my own place, they are living now, and they worked with their own hands on the place made by my makuas.
I am with thanks, your obedient servant,

F.T. 266-267v2
Cl. 868, Kaikainalii, 7 April [1848]

Hoomoeapule, sworn, I know this place. It is in Moanalua.

1. First piece is bounded:
Mauka by lands of Kahaleahu & Kalama
Ewa by Inekolea (land) and Makai also
Waititi by Lelieano's land.

It is cultivated but has no fence, and has 3 houses. 1 belonging to Kalama, 1 to Papu, 1 to claimant.

2. Second lot is bounded:
Mauka by Moanalua stream
Ewa by Keaialoha's land and Hoomoeapule II d
Makai by Ololonio's
Waititi by Keaialoha's .

It is partly fenced and has 3 houses, 1 Keaialoha, 1 Ololoina's, 1 Kahua Kaloa, 1 Kanunu's - making 4 in all.

3. Third lot is bounded:
Mauka by Hoomoeapule 1st
Waititi by Inakolea (land)
Ewa by Kahaumanu
Makai by a fish pond named Makailalou.
It is not fenced and has no house but is cultivated.

4. Fourth piece is bounded:
Mauka by Laloa & Pilau's place
Ewa by Moa ....

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.... Hoapili had already bequested these land and Kaikainalii was the caretaker.

In 1842 before Haalilio's trip abroad, just after the legislature and before my return to Honolulu here with the children, Kaikainalii heard that M. Kekauluohi had taken Moanalua and had given it to Maele. He sent Kealoha to inform me about the land and to ask how I felt about it. I said, "If you people would do right by your landlord as did your parents long ago and with your land caretaker status, I have trust in you both". Then Kekauluohi said, "You go back and tell M. Kekuanaoa that the land has been conveyed to Maele and they (two) have been released." I did not approve of this action because of my affection for these two, so I asked her to let me look into their welfare. She was almost provoked but after this, they (two) had the land. Later, I was startled as I thought that the land had passed into the possession of their son-in-law and as I investigated and inquired of some people there, (I learned) they still had the koele patches.

As for the fish and taro, they told me, they were all taken to Lihue and I informed M. Kekuanaoa that I was in trouble. In 1847, I took the land, Kilinahe was the overseer, while Kalama and Kaa-naana had the ponds. I received 1/2 in payment to Lot. I have heard they have filed a claim and there was a dispute with Namohala. I do not know whether Kealoha had possession of the land because they were caretakers anyway and by looking at Kanoena it was not suitable for one man. It needed many men to work and I had done it in that way until 1849.

My work was finished, however, I had allowed Kaikainalii with some interest and these are either for Kaikainalii or Lot probably, I do not know; I have heard that the patch and coconut grove called Kahohonu had been a poalima, a place for the kings to live in the old days of Kamehameha I. I had first seen it when it was for the konohiki. It will be this way hereafter because Kealoha is the caretaker of the land. Then Kealoha announced that work had been assigned to Nahookele. It seemed to me as if the tenants of the land had completed all of the work here.

Postponed for other witnesses to be available. 8 May 1854, 9 a.m. To PAGE 367.

[Award 868; R.P. 2072; Kalou Moanalua Kona; 1 ap.; .21 Ac.; Kapakahi Moanalua Kona; 1 ap.; 2.78 Acs; Maili Moanalua Kona; 1 ap.; .16 Ac.; Mapunapuna Moanalua Kona; 1 ap.; .2 Ac.; Muliwai Moanalua Kona; 3 ap.; .64 Ac.; Pohaha Moanalua Kona; 1 ap.; 6.65 Acs]