Mahele Documents

12/17/2010 12:12:39 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00867
Claimant: Nihopuu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kalia, Pualinue
Statistics: 3695 characters 562 words
No. 867, Nihopuu
N.R. 487-488v2

To the Honorable Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, Nihopuu, hereby present my little claim to you, four small taro patches and two sections of irrigation ditch from which I gain my livelihood.

This place is at Kalia. My interest and occupancy has been since 1844 but this is a very old interest for my keiki from his kupunas.Also from him is my section of seashore at Kalia, from 1843 until now. I have lived at this place since Boki sailed and died.

I have a small house lot at the shore at Kalia and the boundaries are known since they have been surveyed by your surveyor. These claims are situated in the Ahupua`a of Waikiki on Oahu.
Farewell to you.
NIHOPUU X, hi ....

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.... an enclosure and the house within is for Nihopuu. These are four patches with a section of the creek. Nihopuu had received this from Peleuli and he occupied this for the same length of time as he had the house lot.

3. The boundaries of the second section of Nihopuu's land are:
Kaluahinenui's land, toward the mountain
Waikiki and on all of the rest of the sides.

This is a taro land but there is no enclosure there. Nihopuu's land had been from Kaluahinenui and no one has objected to him.

Lae, sworn and said, "I have seen this taro land and everything is just as Mainui as just stated here. No one has ever objected."

[Award 867; R.P. 2275; Waikiki Kona; 2 ap.; 1.62 Acs]