Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 11031
Claimant: Kimo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Wainiha
Ili: Kapaloa, Kapohaku
Statistics: 2308 characters 372 words
No. 11031, Kimo
N.R. 339v9

To the Land Commissioners, greetings to you all: I, Kimo, a subject of Hawaii living on the island of Kauai hereby state my /claim for/ my lo`i and kula and house lot. Furthermore, there are some lo`is on one side of Wainiha, the name of those lo`i is Kapohaku. The length is 77 fathoms and the width is 30 fathoms. The lo`i at Kapaloa is 85 fathoms long by 36 fathoms wide. Also, the house lot is 35 fathoms lon ....

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.... />Makai by school
Koolau by Konohiki pasture.

Section 2:
Mauka by Kamoolehua's land
Napali by Konohiki land
Makai by Keahia's land
Koolau by Wainiha river.

Land received from Kahui before 1837 and Kimo has lived peacefully.

Kowelo, sworn, he has known about this claim exactly as Ninaulia has related here.

[Award 11031; R.P. 6248; Kapala 1 ap. 38 rods; Kapohaku 1 ap. 1 Ac 2 roods]