Mahele Documents

10918 Kalawakua, father
Claim Number: 10918
Claimant: Uma
Other claimant:Kalawakua, father
Other name: Ima
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Waipio
Ili: Maikaika, Pakeekee, Ulupala, Alaeakila, Papake 1 & 2, Papalapuka, Waha, Keone
Statistics: 1776 characters 301 words
No. 10918, Uma
N.R. 374v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my land claim held from the time of Kamehameha I. At Maikaika, Pakeekee, Ulupala, three lands at Waipio, Hamakua, Hawaii. Alaeakila, Papake 1, Papake 2, Papalapuka, four lands at Hamakua. Kapuna, Waha, two lands at Waimanu. Those are my lands, held by my ....

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.... lands his parents have had, however, I have not seen them. Nevertheless, there are people who have known about those lands just as he (Uma) has complained (to the land board).

Wailua, sworn and stated, I have seen and known exactly alike as has been related here.

[Award 10918; R.P. 7308; Keone Waipio Hamakua; 3 ap.; 1.5 Acs]