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No. 10806*M, [Kauikeaouli; Kamehameha III], Iona Piikoi [for Kamehameha III (Kauikeaouli)], Honolulu, 14 February 1848
N.R. 387-390v3
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: In the name of the Mo'i, I hereby state the following claim for house lots, farms, and lo`is
No., House lot claims
1. Honolulu Hale, occupied by the Government on Oahu
2. 2 lots occupied by Kaunuohua, Honolulu
3. 1 lot occupied by Koi
4. 1 lot occupied by John Stevenson
5. 1 lot called Apua
6. 1 lot occupied by Palaoanui
7. 1 lot occupied by Palotamu
8. 1 lot occupied by Kaeliwai
9. 1 lot called Leleo
10. 1 lot called Beretane
11. 1 lot where Ladana ma are living
12. 1 lot /occupied by/ Bunia on the east of Dr. Rooke's lot
13. Lot called mo`o, and Peleula farm
14. House lot at Peleula /occupied by/ G. Risele
15. House lot called Kaopuaua
16. Lot leased by Kahue with Piikoi
17. Unused site adjoining place leased to Kahue
18. Lot occupied by Kekukahiko
19. House site at Kawananakoa
20. Luakaha in Nuuanu
21. Kaimukanaka, a pond
22. And the lots which have been lost /missed/ are not entered.
The Farms
23. Keoneula farm, land of Honolulu, Oahu
24. Kapuni
25. Aala
26. Kahoikekanaka
27. Malauhi
28. Kuwili, a pond at Kapalama
29. The farms and the ponds which have been missed in this.
The House lots at Waikiki
30. House site and lot, named Kapuni
31. And site which was missed
The farms at Waikiki
32. Keokea, a lo`i
33. Hohe, a lo`i
34. Kalamanamana
35. Kaluaolohe
36. Some lo`is in the land of Napahi
37. Some lo`is in Maulukikepa, the land of Nakookoo ma
38. Some lo`is at Kanewaia of Kalaiheana
39. Kauleoki, in the District of L. Kuluwailehua
40. Keauhou in the land to Haumea
41. Kiki, in the land of Paukuwahie
42. Nuupia, a pond
43. And the farms and ponds whose names are not entered in this count.
Claims for ponds on the Windward Side
44. Kaohanahuluiwi, Koolau, Oahu
45. Punaluu, Koolau, Oahu
46. Kahaluu, Koolau, Oahu
47. Apua at Hakipuu, Koolau, Oahu
Ponds at Ewa
48. Pouhala, a pond at Pouhala, Ewa, Oahu
49. Weloka pond in Manana
50. And the remaining ponds
51. Weli, pond in Kahauiki
52. Kaihikapu
Some House site claims on Kauai
53. Kanaana, house lot at Waimea
54. Lot of Uilama /William/ occupied by the Government
55. Old Sugar Mill at Maulili
56. House built by the konohikis for the 'Li'i, if he should go there.
Some House sites and farms on Maui
57. Beretane, Lahaina, Maui
58. Halehuki, Lahaina, Maui
59. Mokuula, Lahaina, Maui
60. Luaehu, Lahaina, Maui
61. House to Kapule, Lahaina, Maui
62. Lot to Napahi, Lahaina, Maui
63. Lot to Kaunuohua, Lahaina, Maui
64. Lot to Punahele, Lahaina, Maui
65. Lot to John Stevenson, Lahaina, Maui
66. Lot to Kalua, Lahaina, Maui
67. And the sites whose names are missing.
The Farms
68. Puehuehu, some lo`is
69. 2 lo`i at Kooka
70. At Waianae, Kaaimalalo perhaps, Hoomanawanui perhaps, Namauu perhaps.
71. Farm at Ukumehame, and Halaula
Some House sites on Maui
*72. Puaanui, Wailuku, Maui
73. Cane grinding house site, Wailuku, Maui
74. House lot makai of the Church of Wailuku
75. Lot ot Makanewa, Ukumehame
76. And the ones that remain /besides/ this list.
These are the land claims of the Mo`i, I was directed to enter and work on these claims for him, and I hereby ask you to award him these claims,
Twenty days before I am sent for to testify concerning these claims, notify me and I will bring the witnesses,
*/Note in margin says No, 420, page 169, B, testimony./
N.R. 595v4
No. 10806, Iona Piikoi, Honolulu, 14 February 1848
/Note in English: This claim has been before copied in Volume 3, page 387/
The Land Commissioners, Greetings: In the name of the Mo'i, I hereby state the following claims for house lots, farms, and lo`is:
No, House lot claims
1. Honolulu Hale, occupied by the Government on Oahu
2. 2 lots occupied by Kaunuohua, Honolulu
3. 1 lot occupied by Koi, Honolulu
4. 1 lot occupied by John Stevenson, Honolulu
5. 1 lot called Apua, Honolulu, Oahu
6. 1 lot occupied by Palaoanui, Honolulu, Oahu
7. 1 lot occupied by Palokamu, Honolulu, Oahu
8. 1 lot occupied by Kailiwai, Honolulu, Oahu
9. 1 lot called Leleo, Honolulu, Oahu
10. 1 lot called Beretane, Honolulu, Oahu
11. 1 lot where Ladana ma are living, Honolulu, Oahu /Ladd?/
12. 1 lot /occupied by/ Bunia on th4 east of Dr. Hooke's lot, Honolulu, Oahu
13. Lot called Mo`o, and Peleula farm, Honolulu, Oahu
14. House lot at Peleula /occupied by/ G. Risele, Honolulu, Oahu
15. House lot called Kaopuaua, Honolulu, Oahu
16. Lot leased by Kahue with Piikoi, Honolulu, Oahu
17. Unused site adjoining place leased to Kahue, Honolulu, Oahu
18. Lot occupied by Kekukahiko, Honolulu, Oahu
19. House site at Kawananakoa, Honolulu, Oahu
20. Luakaha in Nuuanu, Honolulu, Oahu
21. Kaimukanaka, a pond, Honolulu, Oahu
22. And the missing lots which are not entered.
The Farms
23. Keoneula farm, land of Honolulu, Oahu
24. Kapuni
25. Aala
26. Kahoikekanaka
27. Malauhi
28. Kuwili, a pond at Kapalama
29. The farms and the ponds which have been missed in this.
The House lots at Waikiki
30. House site and lot, named Kapuni
31. And site which was missed
The farms at Waikiki
32. Keokea, a lo`i
33. Hohe, a lo`i
34. Kalamanamana
35. Kaluaolohe
36. Some lo`is in the land of Napahi
37. Some lo`is in Maulukikepa, the land of Nakookoo ma
38. Some lo`is at Kanewaia of Kalaiheana
39. Kauleoki, in the District of L. Kuluwailehua
40. Keauhou in the land to Haumea
41. Kiki, in the land of Paukuwahie
42. Nuupia, a pond
43. And the farms and ponds whose names are not entered in this count.
Claims for ponds on the Windward Side
44. Kaohanahuluiwi, Koolau, Oahu
45. Punaluu, Koolau, Oahu
46. Kahaluu, Koolau, Oahu
47. Apua at Hakipuu, Koolau, Oahu
Ponds at Ewa
48. Pouhala, a pond at Pouhala, Ewa, Oahu
49. Weloka pond in Manana
50. And the remaining ponds
Some Ponds at Kahauiki
51. Weli, pond in Kahauiki
52. Kaihikapu
Some House site claims on Kauai
53. Kanaana, house lot at Waimea
54. Lot of Uilama /William/ occupied by the Government
55. Old Sugar Mill at Maulili
56. House built by the konohikis for the 'Li'i, if he should go there.
Some House sites and farms on Maui
57. Beretane, Lahaina, Maui
58. Halehuki, Lahaina, Maui
59. Mokuula, Lahaina, Maui
60. Luaehu, Lahaina, Maui
61. House lot to Kapule, Lahaina, Maui
62. Lot to Napahi, Lahaina, Maui
63. Lot to Kaunuohua, Lahaina, Maui
64. Lot to Punahele, Lahaina, Maui
65. Lot to John Stevenson, Lahaina, Maui
66. Lot to Kalua, Lahaina, Maui
67. And the sites whose names are missing.
The Farms
68. Puehuehu, some lo`is
69. 2 lo`i at Kooka
70. At Waianae, Kaaimalalo perhaps, Hoomanawanui perhaps, Namauu perhaps.
71. Farm at Ukumehame, and Halaula.
Some House sites on Maui
72. Puaanui, Wailuku, Maui
73. Cane grinding house site, Wailuku, Maui
74. House lot makai of the Church of Wailuku
75. Lot ot Makanewa, Ukumehame
76. And the ones that remain /besides/ this list.
These are the land claims of the Mo`i. I was directed to enter and work on these claims for him, and I hereby ask you to award him these claims,
Twenty days before I am sent for to testify concerning these claims, notify me and I will bring the witnesses,
F.T. 25v2
No. 10806, Pekoi [Piikoi] for King, No. 3029, Kaapuiki, counter
Pekoi, stated on oath, he claimed this land in the King's right, as the King's private property. Witness has now the management of it as Kaaiavaava had before him, who was placed there by the King. Kalauka at his death willed this land to Liliha, wife of Boki. She gave it to the King and he to Kaaivaava.
Kahaelealua, testified on oath, he knows the place and that Kaaiavaava has now possession of it. Lilihia gave it to him at Lahaina about 1841. When Kalauka was dying he was taken to Alualu and willed the land in question to Lilihia, to take care of it, and of his wife. Kaaiavaava married the wife of Kalauka after his death. W ....
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He also had received Section 8.
N.T. 448v10
No. 10806, Kamehameha III, 27 December 1854, Part 32, 33, and 34.
M. Kekuanaoa, sworn, I had known that these lois: Hohe, Kalamanamana and Keokea are for the King, the koele lois throughout the island of Oahu are also for the King. Some koele patches were given to the konohiki during the land Mahele, but these koeles have been with the king from the beginning to the Mahele. They are in the ilis of Hamohamo and Kalia and they have been for the King since the time of Kaahumanu until the time of the land distribution. There are some government portions in here, but these lois are for the King which is complicating to me at this time. It is for the King probably, for the government, perhaps, for whom is it? Kamehameha I had built these farms, Kamehameha III has them now.
Piikoi, sworn, I have seen these places for which the King is demanding. These patches were planted with taro at the time Kinau was governor of Oahu and Kamanawa did the harvesting and S. Kuluwailehua was the tax assessor at the time. It was probably before 1839 and since that time to the Mahele, the King has sent Kaihe to show me the King's interest that I might work in it. It was been that way to the present and I have heard these places are for the King and the claim has been filed. I have also heard that these places have been for the King from the time of Kamehameha I and had been in the care of Kinau and Kaahumanu.
Page 541 [sic 451].
N.T. 451-452v10
No. 10806, Kamehameha III, (from page 448), 30 December 1854
Part 37 - 1 loi at Maulukikepa in Waikiki, Kona, of Oahu.
Nakookoo, sworn, I have seen that loi named "Nawaikala" in Maulukikepa, Waikiki of Kona, Oahu. The boundaries are unknown to me. Land from Kamehameha I, his parent, a long time ago, no objections to the present. I was the konohiki during the "Mahele of 1848", with the King, but I have no objections for this place, I have given it to the King forever.
PART 38 - 1 loi at Kanewai, Waikiki, of Kona, Oahu.
Na pahi, sworn, I have seen the loi "Pahoa" at Kanewai, Waikiki of Kona, Oahu.
[It is bounded]:
Mauka by "Kauleoki" loi
Waialae by Napahi's land
Makai by "Nanaikala" loi
Honolulu by C. Kanaina's land.
Land from the Parent Kamehameha I. No objections to the present.
F.T. 77-78v16
No. 10806, Kamehameha III, Lahaina, 13 March 1854
A. Moku, sworn, witness knows the house lot claimed by the King. It is situated in the ahupuaa of "Puako" Lahaina and known by the name of Halekamane.
It is bounded as follows:
Mauka by Keoni Ana's fish pond
Kaanapali by road leading to the sea beach
Makai by sea beach
Olowalu by the road and Kaeo's place.
Claimant received this place from his sister who had possession of it in the year 1823 and held it to the time of her death in the year 1836, when claimant took possession of it, and has held uninterrupted possession of it up to the present time. Knows of Kekauonohi living there for some time but is not aware of her having any right in the place but merely lived there by the permission of the King.
M. Kenui, witness, confirms in full the testimony of the above witness.
Kaua, sworn, knows the house lot claimed by the King. It is situated in Kelawea, Lahaina, and
bounded as follows:
Mauka by back road
kaanapali by Z. Kaauwai's lot
Makai by Main street
Olowalu by Mahoe's and Kekuaonohi's place.
Claimant received this place from Kekauonohi in the year 1840 and has held undisturbed possession of it up to the present time.
Timoteo, sworn witness, confirms in full the statement of the former witness.
Timoteo, sworn witness, knows the land claimed by the King known by the name of John Stevenson's yard, situated in Panaewa, Lahaina and
is bounded by:
Mauka by Miller's land
Kaanapali by road leading to Lahainaluna
Makai by Luluhiwalani's land
Olowalu by Mr. Butler's land.
Claimant received this land from Pualinui and Kamakini in the year 1837. The place was cultivated by the soldiers yard under the direction of John Stevenson for 4 or 5 soldiers for clothing for the soldiers.
P. Nahaolelua, sworn, confirms in full the testimony of the former witness.
Kaua, sworn, knows the house lot claimed by the King situated close to the sea in the ahupuaa of Pakala. It is called Panaiwa, running along the back from Halekamani to the Halepule lot.
It is bounded by:
Makai by sea / beach
Mauka by the King's fish pond
Kaanapali by Halekamani
Olowalu by Halehuki.
Claimant held all this place in 1823. Aimalolo lived on the place under the King. Her business was to watch the vault. Knows that Pali built a house there. Cannot say what time - think it was in the year 1840. He went there by Aimalolo's permission.
Kapule, sworn, confirms in full the testimony of the former witness.
(Dis (sic) place is disputed by A. Paki and A. Kaeo.)
N.T. 79-80v16
[10806], No number, Kamehameha vs D. Baldwin (for the government), Lahaina, Maui, 27 March 1854
Kaiui, sworn he has seen this place over which there is a dispute between Kamehameha and D. Baldwin over the boundaries between Moalii and Wahikuli in Lahaina of Maui.
When William Webster surveyed Wahikuli for the king, a small edge of Moalii was included in this survey. I was a stranger in this part as I lived there in 1847, but I learned the boundaries of Moalii and Wahikuli from Mahuka. The statements of this witness are not clear because he is very new here.
Keliipio, sworn, I am a native of Lahaina since the time of my grandparents and I was born at the time Kamehameha I returned from the battle of Nuuanu on Oahu. A ditch built anciently was the boundary separating Moalii and Wahikuli and it is still there at present.. When William Webster came to survey Wahikuli the land of the King, it was I who correctly directed him in the separation of the land. I am saying this is not hearsay but as having a personal knowledge from my parents. I hear now from some people that the sled course outside of the loi is old, but I say it is not. For this was there after I was born. I believe that my testimony is correct and the ditch is the true boundary.
Kealohapaalani, sworn (for D. Baldwin) I was born after the battle of Nuuanu. I have clearly seen the boundaries of these lands over which there is a dispute. The place called Kauluhina is the first boundary which closed Moalii with Kapunakea and adjoining the new government road; it runs irregularly from there to the Olowalu side until the cross of the woman called Makahuna. It runs irregularly from there to the head of the holua of Kalakumai, then joins Wahikuli, then it runs to upper Wahikuli while Moalii lies on the flat to Kalawa and running directly to the auwai adjoining Aki and turning back. I have seen this. It is not hearsay.
T. Keaweiui, sworn, seven years before the death of Kamehameha I, I had lived on this place and we planted potatoes because Moalii was my father and the laborers were for him. Moalii also distributed land and is still doing so at this time.
Kanakanui, sworn, I was born at Peleleu at the time of Kamehameha I. My mother, Ui, told me that the boundary which separated Moalii and Wahikuli was the auwai, just as Keliipio has related above here. Above the auwai was for Wahikuli, but the auwai was from Moalii.
M. Kenaui, sworn (for D. Baldwin) I know exactly as Kealohapaalani. He has spoken the truth I have heard from Hanole who is an uncle of mine and I have repeatedly seen this boundary since the time Liholiho had observed the ainoa to the present. I was born near this place about 17 years before the death of Kamehameha I.
[Award 10806; Land Patent 8363; (Maui) 2 house lots Pa ia John Stevenson Lahaina; 1 ap.; 5.19 Acs;"Pa Hokele" Lahaina;1 ap.; .4218 Ac.; no R.P. in "Pa Palikamani"; (Oahu) R.P.; 2238; Leleo Koiuiu Honolulu; R.P. 2241; Pa Pelekane Honolulu; No. R.P.; Merchant St. Honolulu; R.P.; 8108; Pa Moo Nuuanu Honolulu; R.P.; 8435 Peleula Nuuanu Honolulu; R.P.; 8109; Napahi Waikiki; Maulukikepa Waikiki; R.P.; 8103; Kalia Waikiki; no R.P.; Kalamanamana Waikiki; no mention of Kauai claim;See also N.T. 230-231v10, No. 3029, Kaapuiki vs No. 10806, Piikoi]