Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10598
Claimant: Pueka
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Halawa
Ili: Paemilo
Statistics: 1914 characters 311 words
No. 10598, Pueke, Halawa, Kohala, February 9, 1848
N.R. 15v8

To the Mo`i, greetings, I hereby state my claim as directed by the Land Commissioners. Kamehameha I was the one who gave it to Kalaimoku, and Kalaimoku gave this `ili to Kaahakoa, and we were the ones who occupied the house /tenants/. When Kamehameha I died and Kamehameha II succeeded him, Kalaimok ....

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.... an ili land
Kohalawaho, an idle land for the konohiki
Makai, my land
Hamakua, the Aamakao stream.
There are 10 patches, a potato patch and one house for him.

He is living there and it is an old place from Kamehameha. No one has objected.

Pipa, sworn and stated, I have known exactly as Naukana has stated.

[No. 10598 not awarded]