Mahele Documents

09278 Nihoa
Claim Number: 09278
Claimant: Kuaua
Other claimant:Nihoa
Other name: Kuana
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Hanalei, Waioli
Ili: Hanalei, Luha, Kamaunui
Statistics: 3358 characters 546 words
No. 9278, Kuaua, Waioli, Kauai, January 24, 1848
N.R. 447-448v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I, Kuaua, a Hawaiian subject living at Waioli on the island of Kauai, hereby state my claim for a house lot and my little portion of the kula which adjoins that house lot of mine. The length is 34 fathoms, the width is 12 fathoms. I have occupied that place for 10 years, however, it is not clear from whom I had it, I only stayed there.
I am, respectfully,

F.T. 24-25v12
No. 9278, Kuaua, Claimant

Mareko, sworn, says I know claimant's lands in Waioli. I gave them to him - being Konohik ....

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.... kele came to live here in Waioli, no one has opposed.

S. Kawainui, sworn, he has seen Kuana's land, the house lot in Hanalei and two lois in Waioli and everything is the same as Maleko has related here.

SEE page 34 for Nihoa's objection, No. 10315.

N.T. 34v12
No. 10315, Nihoa

Nihoa's wife then received this land, by bequest after the death of her father in 1845, in 1848, the Konohiki took this land and gave it to Kuana.

No. 9278 which is section 2. See page 25 of this book.

[Award 9278; R.P. 7439; Hanalei Halelea; 1 ap.; 1 rood 3 rods; Waioli Halelea; 1 ap.; 13 rods]