Mahele Documents

5/4/2010 5:28:04 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 08962
Claimant: Kalilii
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Kokipohaku
Statistics: 2396 characters 318 words
No. 8962, Kalilii
N.R. 267v7

For your information, O Land Commissioners: I have a claim for land in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa on the Island of Molokai, a mo`o named Kuamoo. It is in Kokipohaku and it lies from the sea of Iliopii as far as to the pali of Keolewa, along the point. It is 1 chain wide and is bounded by Mihaai's mo`o on the west and by Kaoha's mo`o on the east.

I received this mo`o when Kupu was the konohiki at Kalaupapa. When Kup ....

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.... a I, and has held it without dispute up to the present time. The konohiki has a piece in Lot No. 2.

Kauka, sworn, witness confirms in full the testimony of the former witness.

N.T. 205v6 [also page 126]
No. 8962, Kalili

Moo Kipohaku.
Mauka by pali
Manae by Kaaihapuu
Makai by Makanalua
Malalo by Konohiki.

A.D. Kamehameha I, retained.

[Award 8962; R.P. 6352; Kipohaku Kalaupapa Koolau; 2 ap.; 6 Acs 338 fathoms]