Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08533
Claimant: I
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Kauamanu
Statistics: 4135 characters 673 words
No. 8533, I. Kauamanu, Kalaupapa, Molokai
N.R. 233-234v7

For your information, O Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles, I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa on the Island of Molokai. It is a mo`o named Kauamanu, which is in the large `ili of Ohia. It lies from Papakailoi to the pali of Keolewa. It is bounded by Mikaai's land, Kaalaea on one side, and by Kaluoku's land on the other side. The width of this /mo`o of/ Kuamanu /sic/ is 16 fathoms.

This is the time when this land was received. It was when Kawelo was the konohiki of Kalaupapa. My kapunakane /named/ I had Ohia. When Kawelo was dispossessed, Kanaina was appointed, and /my kapunakane/, I, still had the land. When Kanaina was dispossessed Heeia was appointed and was the konohiki at Kalaupapa. Then the land passed ....

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.... ntil this time.

Kamaipelekane (Deputy Konohiki), sworn, His claim is good.

It was decided that the house lot was 1/4 acre and the kula land would be four acres.

F.T. 203v6 see also page 124
No. 8533, J. Kaua [illegible]anu, numbered by the Andrews 8933 see this N. P. 66

Moo - Kauamanu Ohia ili Kalaupapa.

Mauka, Pali
Manae, Kaluaku
Makai, konohiki
Malalo, konohiki.

He aina hooilina.

N.T. 203v6 [also page 124]
No. 8533, I, Numbered by Mr. Andrews, see this no. 8933, page 66, I, Kanamanu

Moo, Kauamanu Ohia ili Kalaupapa.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by pali
Manae by Kaluaku
Makai and Malalo by konohiki.

Inherited land.

[No. 8533 not awarded]