Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08060
Claimant: Hulialo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Kealia
Ili: Haulei, Kalohipa
Statistics: 1886 characters 289 words
No. 8060, Hulialo
N.R. 373v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claims for two lo`i, combined with the kula. The length is 364 fathoms and the width is 298 fathoms. The house is in the kula. Those are my claims. The witnesses are Kalawaia and Kapehe.
Kealia, Kauai
20 January 1848

F.T. 115-11 ....

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.... are in Kealohipa.
Mauka by Konohiki pasture
Anahola by Kamilo koele
Makai by Akiana pond
Puna by Konohiki loi.

Land had been from Pakaa's wife, from Palekaia to Naumiumi, from here to Hulialo, no disputes.

Kaoki, sworn, verifies Pakaa's testimony.

[Award 8060; R.P. 6686; Haulei Kealia Puna; 1 ap. 1 rood 14 rods]