Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07993
Claimant: Pala
Other claimant:
Other name: Ohule, alias
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Hanapepe
Ili: Kaauwaikahi
Statistics: 2033 characters 335 words
No. 7993, Pala
N.R. 367v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings to you all: I hereby state my land claim to you. I, Pala, a Hawaiian subject, live at Kaolenaula. On the west it is 16 fathoms, on the east it is 56 fathoms. The boundaries are not clear it will be up to you /to determine/.
There is also a house lot those are my claims for land and house.
A respectful farewell, ....

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.... aula pali.

Section 2 - House lot in Halaawiki, Kaauaekahi ili, Hanapepe.
Mauka and all around by pali.

Land from Kupia at the time of Kaumualii, no objections here. It was the coconuts which were taken for the poalima.

Kualeho, sworn, verifies Kikoi's testimony.

[Award 7993; no R.P.; Hanapepe Kona; 2 ap.; .79 & .20 Ac.; TMK 1-9-02 (2 pieces together)]