Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07983
Claimant: Paleunu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kona, North
Ahupuaa: Hianaloli 3, Hianaloli 2
Ili: Mumuku, Nakuwao, Ililoa
Statistics: 1889 characters 340 words
No. 7983, Paleunu, Hianaloli 3, Kailua, Hawaii, February 8, 1848
N.R. 521-522v8

To the Honorable Land Commissioners, Greetings: 1. Here is my claim for land. Hianaloli 3 is an ahupua`a. From the time of Kamehameha I until this reign of Kamehameha III I have lived there with appropriate tribute payment. There are five ili: 1. Mumuku, 2. Also Mumuku, 3. A ....

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.... d some cultivated land. The house lot is enclosed in a stone wall. He has 22 kihapais in one piece, bounded:

On Kohala side by the konohiki
Mauka by Kaupa's land
Ka`u side by Keliimahiai
Makai by Hianaloli 2.

Claimant got the land from me in the time of Kuakini and has occupied it in peace ever since.

[No. 7983 not awarded]