Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07838
Claimant: Kalili
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Honokaia
Ili: Okea, Lepolepo
Statistics: 2010 characters 333 words
No. 7838, Kalili
N.R. 297v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby explain my claim for land and a lot. Lupe is the konohiki and I am under him. The one who cares for the land gave me the land. I have an ili named Okea which has been held from the time of Kamehameha I until the present. Therefore I have built myself a house lot - it is a square, 30 fathoms by 30 fathoms ....

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.... o's land
Kohala by Makaono's land
Makai by Mahi's land
Hilo by Kealia's land.
1 field has been cultivated, no house. That is their old place, also Kawela which is an old land for his wife.

Kaina, sworn, and stated: I have known exactly in the same way as Kamanoha has related here.

[Award 7838; R.P. 7217; Honokaia Hamakua; 1 ap.; 10.7 Acs]