Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07737
Claimant: Newa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waimano
Ili: Weloka
Statistics: 2969 characters 482 words
No. 7737, Newa
N.R. 448v5

To the Land Commissioners: `Ili of Kamili, Ahupua`a of Manananui, County of Ewa, Oahu. I, the one whose name is below, have six lo`i.Three are in another place in this same `Ili, makai of Ihuokapuaa. There are five fish ponds, and a kula house lot. It is finished.
NEWA X, his mark

F.T. 74v9
No. 7737, Newa, claimant

Kahihiku, sworn says, the land of claimant is a moo kalo in three apanas. Apana 1st is called Kaukea; Apana 2 Kamili in the ili of Weloka; Apana 3d, four fish ponds called Kanekekee ....

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.... o land
Makai and Waianae, Waimano pasture.

Section 2:
Mauka, Kamooiki taro moo
Honolulu, Kamooloa pasturrer
Makai, Kaumau, Kumuhahane moos
Waianae, Kamooiki taro moo.

Section 3:
Mauka, Makea sea
Honolulu, Puukahua, the konohiki's pond
Makai, Kuaimano, the konohiki's pond
Waianae, Puko ili land.

Land from Hoe at the time of Kinau. No one had objected to him earlier.

Nuka, sworn, he has known in the same way as Kahihiku.

[Award 7737; R.P. 197; Weloka Manananui Ewa; 1 ap.; 1.45 Acs]