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No. 7712B*K, M. Kekuanaoa, 20 April 1848
N.R. 390-391v3
[Listed in index as 7712, but that is also Victoria Kamamalu's number]
Wm. L. Lee, President of the Land Commissioners
I was directed by the Premier to tell of the these `ilis which are written on the second of these pages, These `ilis are for the Government by agreement between the Mo`i and ourselves, the guardians of V. Kamamalu. These are for the Mo`i and also the Government.
I am, with thanks,
The Fort Lands:
Puunui 1 ili for Honolulu Pauhuluhulu.
Puunui 2 Kona, Oahu Punana.
Puunui 3 Kailiili.
Kahapaakai Olomana
Kuwili Kuaipaako
Kapiwai 1 Kalia, `ili for Waikiki, Kona, Oahu
Kapiwai 2 Kahaole
Pilikea Kaluahole
Pui ....
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.... , Oahu, and is cared for by Kamaukoli. One house lot is at Waiawa, Ewa, Oahu and is cared for by Kahauolono. One house lot is at Waianae, Oahu and is cared for by Kaapuiki. One house lot is at Waialua on Oahu and is cared for by Kuokoa. One house lot is at Lahaina, Maui and is cared for by Timoteo. One house lot is at Hilo, Hawaii, and is cared for by Unua. There is a lot for Lota Kapuaiwa at Wainee, Lahaina, Maui.
[Award 7712 for M. Kekuanaoa; (Kauai) R.P. 4485; Eleele Hanapepe Kona; 1 ap.; no amount listed in index; (Hawaii) Waiapuka N. Kohala; R.P. 6852; Keokea S. Kona; R.P. 4491; Paeaki Honolulu Kona, R.P. 6717;½ Halawa Ewa; [No. 7712 used forKekuanaoa's Maui awards and vor Victoria Kamamalu; See 7713 for other testimony; While 7712 has some awards for Kekuanaoa none are in Maui; Maui awards are listed under 7714B]