Boundary Commission

1891 81 Crown Land
Certification: 81
Ahupua`a Paomai
Island Lanai
Ownership: Crown Land
Year: 1891
Statistics: 5208 characters 878 words
Paomai Ahupuaa, District of Lahaina, Island of Lanai, Boundary Commission, Maui, Volume No. 2, pps. 35-37

No. 81

Land of Paomai, Island of Lanai

Lahaina, Maui, February 28th, 1891

In the matter of the settlement of the Boundaries of the land of Paomai, Island of Molokai [note Lanai]

Application made by Commission of Crown Lands, Curtis P. Iaukea

Mr. R.W. Meyer for Honorable C.R. Bishop, Mrs. B.P. Bishop and himself and Mr. M.D. Monsarrat for the Hawaiian Government respectively, and having filed their authorization to act in the premises, the following were agreed to be the boundaries of the land, and in accordance with the agreement and their [there] being no parties of interest, it is decreed that the Boundaries of the said land of Paomai, Island of Lanai, are as follows:

Commencing at a cross cut in a rock at a rocky point called Lae Wahie the boundary runs;

1. South 22° 47' West true 4482 feet along Mahana to a cross cut on ....

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.... ng Kaa to center of triangle formed by three stones set in the ground;
30. North 11° 57' West true 14243 feet along Kaa to a red wood post set in a sandy hill near place called Pohakuloa;
31. North 86° 16' West true 4574 feet along Kaa to corner of enclosure at Kamai's house;
32. South 77° 18' West true 1776 feet along Kaa;
33. North 89° 09' West true 4737 feet along Kaa to place called Hale o Lono;
34. North 83° 47' East true 10966 feet along sea shore;
35. South 76° 21' East true 8288 feet along sea shore;
36. South 88° 15' East true 8889 feet along sea shore to point of commencement.
Area 9078.97 Acres

Hearing 10.00; Certificate 2.00; Evidence 1125 words 2.81; Certificate 1148 words 5.74; Stamps 1.00; Advertisement 2.00; Total $23.55
Samuel N. Chillingworth, Commissioner of Boundaries II Judicial Circuit

[No. 81, Paomai Ahupuaa, District of Lahaina, Island of Lanai, Boundary Commission, 9078.97 acres, 1891]