Boundary Commission

1873 012 Government
Certification: 012
Ahupua`a Waioli
District: Halelea
Island Kauai
Ownership: Government
Year: 1873
Statistics: 8165 characters 1368 words
Waioli Ahupuaa, District of Halelea, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, Volume 1, pps 56-61

Boundary of the Ahupuaa of Waiole
Department of Interior
Honolulu September 13th 1873

Honorable D. McBryde, Commissioner of Boundaries
In setting the boundaries of Land on your Island please have defined the following which have been suggested by his Honor Judge Widemann in:
2 of Houkou
Pohakuao Q
Kaakoanui Q
Halaula Q
Mountain lands adjoining Moloaa whatever named. Some of the above with an Q Mr. W. was doubtful whether still unsold or unleased.
Yours Very truly,
Edwin O Hall [flourish at end of name]

Thereupon appointed the 7th day of October 1873 at Court house house [sic] Waioli for the hearing of the evidence in relation to the Boundary of the Ahupuaa of Waioli, and caused notice to be served on the owners of the adjoining lands to appear at the hour and place above named.

Peepee, sworn, The boundary of this land commences on the East side of the Waiole River at a stone in sea, Kalapa
thence to a place on river bank called Kapuoa
thence crosses river to stone at corner of hill Makaihuoa
thence up ridge to top and called same name Makaihuoa
thence up peak called Peapea [page 57]
Thence up ridge to Kapalekea
Thence up to junction with Lumahae at Neki
Thence along ridge to little hill called Kapailu
Thence along to another hill Haulauloa [first u perhaps crossed out]
and thence ....

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.... South 19? 35' West 640 links up face of spur to a stone let into the ground. Thence
South 33? 2' 1290 links up this spur the watershed being the boundary.Thence
South 2? 45' West 2080 links to peak called Peapea, Thence
South 63? 8' West 1850 links along ridge to peak. Thence
South 8? 15' West 2400 links to a sharp peak, Thence
South 16? 54' West 2120 following round the head of spur to edge of woods. Thence
South 5? 35' West 4260 links up the face of spur to Kapalekea. Thence
South 20? 15' East 1980 links; Thence
South 2? 0' East 4600 links to top of peak called Neki or Namalawa. Thence
South 27? 10' East 4120 links to a peak called Kapailu. Thence
South 36? 45' East 3250 links to peak called Halaula.Thence
South 40? East 2440 links to sharp peak
South 84? 30' East 3360 links to the top of a mountain called Namoolakama.Thence following round in an easterly direction to water shed of ridge to a peak called Kawainae, which is the Southeast corner of this land (see plan) and containing an area of Three Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty acres more or less (3350 acres).

N.B. At all stations where practicable there is a mark put with a stone bottle below, or else a trench Y with bottle broken and set down in the centre.
James W. Gay, Surveyor

October 17th 1873
N.B. for fishing right, see plan
Duncan McBryde, Commissioner of Boundaries

[No. 13, Waioli Ahupuaa, District of Halelea, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, 3350 acres, 1873]