Boundary Commission

1876 091 Crown
Certification: 091
Ahupua`a Waiohinu
District: Kau
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Crown
Year: 1876
Statistics: 15156 characters 2305 words
Waiohinu Ahupuaa, District of Kau, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, pp. 239-240

from Petition for Crown Lands
Honorable R.A. Lyman, Boundary Commissioner for Island of Hawaii, Hawaiian Island.

The undersigned would herewith make application for the settlement of the Boundaries of the following named ahupuaas or lands belonging to the Crown, viz.

[Among many others]
Waiohinu, in the District of Kau, bounded by Keau, Government; Kahilipalinui and Kahuku, G.W.C. Jones & Co.

Your Honor will therefore please appoint a day for the hearing the evidence in the foregoing named lands, and having decided upon the same to grant a certificate to that effect to the undersigned.
(Signed), Jno O. Dominis, Crown Land, Agent. per F.H. Harris, Attorney at law.
Hilo, Hawaii, August 16th, A.D. 1873

Waiohinu ahupuaa, District of Kau, Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A. No. 1, pps 402-404

The Ahupuaa of Waiohinu District of Kau, Island of Hawaii 3d Judicial Circuit

On this the 14th day of October A.D. 1873 the Commission of Boundaries, for the Island of Hawaii 3d Judicial Circuit met at the Court House, Waiohinu Kau; for the hearing of the testimony in reference to the boundaries of Waiohinu Kau said Island of Hawaii; on the application of J.O. Dominis Agent of Crown Lands. Due notice served on owners or agents of adjoining lands as far as known. Present: J.G. Hoapili for applicant and W.T. Martin for Hawaiian Government.

For Petition see Folio 240. [See below]
Note: For boundaries between Kahilipali iki and Waiohinu see Royal Patents and kuleana Awards.

For boundaries between Kiolokaa and Waiohinu see Royal Patents, and testimony Kahuku for mauka boundary

Ikipaananea, kane, sworn, I was born at Honaunau in Kona at the time of Peheleu, have lived at Waiohinu ever since I was a small boy. I used to gather sandwal wood; Mahoe ma (now dead) pointed out the boundaries to me. Kahaiea bounds Waiohinu on the East commencing at the sea shore at a point of rocks in the sea called Kapalaoa, thence mauka to a cave, called Kalikikee, thence to another cave called Kapahulimu, thence to Lalahai a pali, thence to Kekuapio, an ahu poliahu thence to Paikapahu where a lilac tree is growing, thence to Haleolono, the boundary between Kahaiea, Kahilipalinui and Kahilipaliike thence along Kahilipalinui to Kikaaea o Makalii, thence to Manolioli, the head of the water stream, thence along old trail to Waipapa, kauhale maia wai no hoi, thence to Puuhii a kauhale, and kahawai below. Kahilipalinui ends in this kahawai, makai of Puuhii, thence along Kaunaamano to Pali o Kaluahine, where Waiohinu joins Kaalaiki thence along Kaalaiki, mauka to the upper edge of the woods, to Namanu o Haalou, aa where Waiohinu ends.

The boundary at shore between Kiolakaa and Waiohinu is at Kalaia a kauhale, and point near the goat pen at Hamanai makai of the fish pond at Kaalualu landi ....

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.... 50° West 30.95 chains along Kahilipali Nui to the top of Puuliu pali, at the pulu road; Thence along Kahilipali to mauka corner of Laanui's land as follows:
37. South 40° East 22.35 chains along Pulu road;
38. South 8 1/4° East 20.48 chains along Pulu road;
39. South 47 1/4° East 27.25 chains to Waiakaalae spring;
40. South 37½° East 25.15 chains;
41. South 43½° East 15.25 chains to Manolioli spring just below scattering woods;
42. South 81½° East 4.12 chains along the stream to Kukui tree;
43. South 12 1/4° East 21.50 chains along the stream;
44. South 48 1/4° East 15.55 chains along the stream; [page 203] Thence leaving the stream;
45. South 42½° East 26.10 chains to north corner of a ditch around kuleana;
46. South 26° East 5.17 chains along ditch to east corner; thence
47. South 42° East 7.35 chains to a stone marked V;
48. South 53 1/4° East 8.90 chains;
49. South 43 3/4° West 1.24 chains along land of Laanui, patent No. 969 to a stone marked V;
50. South 37° West 7.32 chains to a stone marked X;
51. South 23½° East 2.82 chains;
52. South 34½° East 3.68 chains;
53. South 37 3/4° East 16.50 chains;
54. South 74° East 8.84 chains;
55. South 24½° East 6.94 chains;
56. South 2½° East 9.50 chains;
57. South 2 1/3° East 2.07 chains;
58. South 2 1/4° East 4.28 chains to the brow of the hill mauka of the Government Road to Hilo;
59. South 23.36 chains to T cut in the pahoehoe rock;
60. South 9½° East 24.74 chains to X cut in the pahoehoe rock;
61. South 16½° East 16.34 chains to a pile of stones; Thence along Royal Patent No. 2771 as follows:
62. South 19° East 22.55 chains to a pile of stones;
63. South 24 3/4° East 30.00 chains to a pile of stones;
64. South 32½° East 21.48 chains to a pile of stones;
65. East - - 16.00 chains to a pile of stones;
66. South 23½° East 16.46 chains to a pile of stones;
67. South 12° East 32.65 chains to a pile at the top of the pali; Thence along Kahaea, Government land;
68. South 11 1/4° East 114.50 chains to A cut in the pahoehoe road.
69. South 11½° East 51.65 chains to a pile of stones; thence
70. South 56½° East 4.58 chains along land of Kaeleloa, Royal Patent No. 994 to the sea shore; Thence along the sea coast in bent lines [page 204] about as follows, viz.;
71. South 5½° West 171.30 chains and
72. South 65 1/4° West 61.25 chains to the point of commencement, containing an area of 15,210 acres, more or less.
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Land Boundaries, Third Judicial Circuit

Surveyed by F.S. Lyman

Costs paid in full by applicant $36.75. Witnesses paid by interested parties. Applicants & owners of adjoining lands
Costs awarded from Kahuku, 10.-; 1 Hearing, 10.-; 25 folio testimony, 6.25; Certificate 2.-; Stamp, 1.-; 15 folio description Certificate 7.50.

[No. 91, Waiohinu Ahupuaa, District of Kau, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 15,210 acres, 1876]