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No. 7527, Kupalii, Heeia, Island of Oahu, December 22, 1847
N.R. 349v5
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: Here is my claim for land in the `Ili of Puulani. There are eleven lo`i, also a kula and a house. It was from Paki, and I am living under him.
KUPALII X, his mark
F.T. 124v14 ....
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.... br />Mauka, a brook
Koolauloa, a pali
Makai, a brook
Kailua, waste land.
Paki gave to claimant his land in the year 1843 and he has had it in peace to the present time.
Kahau, sworn says, the above is all true.
[Award 7527; R.P. 1556 & 2534; Puulani Heeia Koolaupoko; 2 ap.; 1.22 Acs]