Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07334
Claimant: Kulepe
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waianae
Ahupuaa: Waianae, [Lualualei]
Ili: Lehanoiki, Moomuku
Statistics: 2435 characters 405 words
No. 7334, Kulepe, Waianae, January 24, 1848
N.R. 316-317v5

By Kulepe to the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, greetings: I hereby state my claims for land, as follows: I have five lo`i from Kaapuiki. This land is at Lehanoiki in Waianae, Island of Oahu. Two ponds, one lo`i and a kula were given me by Kailianu to cultivated.

This cultivated lace of mine is at Moomuku in Waianae, Island of Oahu. There are three lo`i and a kula and ....

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.... and
Ewa, Konohiki koele
Makai, Kahonu's moo land
Waialua, Kekee ili land.

Section 2:
Mauka, Lehanonui pasture
Ewa, Government road
Makai, konohiki koele
Waialua, Lehonoiki ili land.

Kulepe's land from Kaapuiki at the time of Kekauluohi, no objections.

Malu, sworn, he has known in the same way as Kaapuiki.

[Award 7334; R.P. 3099; Lehanoiki Waianae; 2 ap.; 3.582 Acs; Ana Waianae; 1 ap.; 1.295 Acs]