Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07254
Claimant: Makahuluhulu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona,Ewa
Ahupuaa: Honolulu, Waialae, Waimano
Ili: Alewa, Ainaio
Statistics: 2328 characters 387 words
No. 7254, Makahuluhulu, Honolulu, February 10,. 1848
N.R. 308v5

Greetings to the Land Commissioners at Hale Kauila: I, Makahuluhulu, whose name is on this letter, hereby state my claim for land at Alewa, for the lo`i po`alimas and the work days. However, I care for the lo`is and the work days under Matthew Kekuanaoa.

However, my own claim is for five lo`i and a kula which is spoken of as a house lot, adjoining Honolulu lo`i. The ....

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.... seen this place in Alewa, Honolulu, Oahu - 4 patches and a house lot in one section.

Mauka, Mahoe's land
Waikiki, T.B.C. Rooke's land
Makai and Ewa, Polikua's land.

Land from M. Kekuanaoa before Lord George's uproar and Makahuluhulu has always lived there in peace.

Poomanu, sworn, Muimui's statements are true, no disputes.

[Award 7254; R.P. 2667; Alewa Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .6 Ac.]