Statistics: 1606 characters 274 words
No. 329, Keaka, December 28, /8 /sic/ [1848]
N.R. 86v2
Greetings to the Land Commissioners:
I am hereby telling you of my right over this houselot at Lahaina, here at Pauna`u.
N.T. 96v2
No. 329, Keaki
Malaekahana, sworn for the l ....
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.... g with Keoni's property and Peki's place is on the north. Kahula had given Keaka that place and I said to this person here, "Move your fence again because (other) fences are being moved again." That is the end of what I have known.
[Award 329; R.P. 4383; Paunau Lahaina; 1 ap.; 1 Ac. 34 rods]