Mahele Documents

2/24/2009 3:48:44 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 06976
Claimant: Kaluahinenui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolaupoko
Ahupuaa: Waimanalo
Ili: Kahikiea, Puha
Statistics: 2072 characters 323 words
No. 6976, Kaluahinenui, Waimanalo, Island of Oahu, December 28, 1847
N.R. 410v5

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: Here is my claim, an 'Ili, Kahikiea, one fish pond, a kula, and an upland, Kalepeamoa and Imihia. It was from Kaupena. There is one pond, Kukalaua. Two lo' i were from Puniwai, one lo'i was from Kawaihalau, one rnala was from Leleuwouwo, two mala were from Kane ....

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No. 2 is bounded:
M[auka], upland of Wailea
K[aneohe], upland of Wailea
M[akai], upland of Wailea
K[ona Makapuu], a creek.

Claimant had his land from Kuanaoa in the time of Kinau and has had it undisturbed to the present time.

Kaioweluwelu, sworn, says the above is all true.

[Award 6976; R.P. 948; Puha Waimanalo Koolaupoko; 1 ap.; .53 Ac.]